Life Theatre
For over 12 years Richard has been travelling the globe collecting images with a very strict doctrine: Capture the lives of the world’s ‘actors’ passing through street scenes as though they were on the stage in a theatre. For this ongoing project the rules are:
> Must be square-on to the ‘set’ (building, pavement, landscape).
> Must be photographed with a 35-50mm focal length.
> Must be horizontal format.
> Must not interact with the ‘actors’.
Private Customer
Visualizations: QDesign
Surface: 300m2
Florence, Italy
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Ret dolore magna aliqua enut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exer. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolor.
Beautiful, architect-designed renovations completed reliably from start to finish
Experience of over 10 years of successful projects on creating unique and modern interior designs all over the world.
Praesent elementum
Nam gravida egestas
Creating places that enhance the human experience with unique products
Praesent ut ante sit amet lorem feugiat pellentesque et eu quam. Morbi ac nisl mattis, lobortis dolor vel, blandit enim. Phasellus ac justo volutpat, iaculis lorem id, interdum elit. Curabitur sed augue sed sem pretium hendrerit. Nam ultrices ut sapien id bibendum.
Praesent ut ante sit amet lorem feugiat pellentesque et eu quam. Morbi ac nisl mattis, lobortis dolor vel, blandit enim. Phasellus ac justo volutpat, iaculis lorem id, interdum elit. Curabitur sed augue sed sem pretium hendrerit. Nam ultrices ut sapien id bibendum.
Mauris consectetur eros in cursus iaculis. Suspendisse sit amet ex sed.
Etiam pretium orci ipsum. Mauris elementum metus a egestas faucibus.